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as concern artinya

contoh kalimat "as concern"
  • Believe me, I am as concerned as you are!
    Percayalah, Saya sebagai prihatin seperti Anda!
  • I'm as concerned about Simon as you are.
    Aku khawatir padamu seperti aku mengkhawatirkan Simon.
  • I thought you might be just as concerned as I was.
    Kukira kau sama peduli padanya sepertiku.
  • I am just as concerned about your mother as you are.
    Rasa khawatir Ayah pada Ibumu sama halnya denganmu.
  • He should be as concerned about that as we are.
    Dia harus sebagai bersangkutan tentang itu seperti kita .
  • It should be just as concerned with building strength as with repairing damage.
    Psikologi harus memperhatikan pembangunan kekuatan seperti memperhatikan perbaikan kerusakan.
  • I mean, I'm as concerned for this forest and the environment as anybody.
    Aku cuma petugas di hutan ini... dan lingkungan semuanya.
  • My parents aren't as concerned.
    Orang tuaku tidak memperhatikan.
  • I'm sure they'd be just as concerned if she wasn't... quite pretty.
    Saya yakin mereka akan sama seperti khawatir jika dia tidak ... cukup cantik.
  • The first is that psychology should be just as concerned with human strength as it is with weakness.
    Pertama, Psikologi harus memperhatikan kekuatan manusia sama seperti memperhatikan kelemahannya.
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